Oswego District AGL article November 2010

December's Rose

My Brothers: Last night I attended a public presentation of the masonic play 'December's Rose'. The cast was from the Scottish Rite Valley of Syracuse and the production was excellent. I had brought along a close friend who is a non-mason thinking that it would help him to understand when I go off on some masonic tangent. My friend is a teacher and the thing that he picked up on was the way we used the symbolism of a play to impart the basic masonic tenets of Truth, Charity and Brotherly Love. Had it been possible for us to show him all of our ritual I feel sure the impression would have been even more profound. By the time you read this the Grand Lecturer's Convention will be on the horizon or just passing into memory. The convention always leaves me with a renewed feeling of dedication to our craft and inspires me to seek and share more masonic light. In the coming year Norm and I will be helping preserve the integrity of our ritual via classes of instruction. Our intent is to make these classes part of our regular visits to your lodges. We will be contacting each of the masters to set up appropriate dates. Lastly, charity is a very personal thing and we each must consider our own situation and decide where and how much to give. The Brotherhood Fund is in full swing and offers a number of options. I feel sure that each of you can find one or more which you feel you can support.
